There’s an intelligent alternative to Surgical Liposuction now available in Elk Grove and it is called i-Lipo. Banker Chiropractic is the first office in the Sacramento area utilizing the i-Lipo Therapeutic Laser. i-Lipo has become the Gold Standard in body shaping and fat reduction in Europe over the last four years. i-Lipo is a non-invasive, pain free, drug free body sculpting and fat reduction system that targets stubborn fat areas and provides immediate, and long lasting measurable results. Scientifically proven and FDA approved, i-Lipo gets rid of stubborn fatty areas that won’t go away through diet or exercise alone. It is an easy, safe and comfortable way to achieve inch loss and body contouring with no pain, no needles and no downtime.
How does i-Lipo work?
The i-Lipo laser focuses a specific energy into the fat layer which stimulates the cells to 1) convert their stored triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol. And 2) Open pores in the fat cell‘s outer membrane which allows these smaller molecules to leak out into the adjacent tissues. The fat cells then lose their round shape and collapse, much like a grape changing into a raisin. The released contents are then absorbed by the lymphatic system and transported around the body to be burned as energy. The i-Lipo laser creates the same, natural, metabolic process as the brain does when the body needs energy by converting and releasing the fat cells contents. i-Lipo triggers this natural mechanism and can target a specific problem area almost anywhere on the body. Light cardio exercise, post treatment, accelerates the burning of the released fatty acids and glycerol. Dr. Banker will develop a specific work out plan for you which can be done on site.
Why i-Lipo ?
The i-Lipo system has many advantages that other invasive and noninvasive fat reduction systems cannot offer. Ultrasound imagery shows up to 30% reduction in the fat layer depth after just one treatment. Compared to Surgical Liposuction, i-Lipo is much more affordable and produces similar results. i-Lipo is painless and safe. It can be used on men and women, and on all skin types. The Client can return to normal activity immediately after each treatment. A 2-4 cm loss in abdomen circumference can be achieved with every treatment. A course of 9 treatments is recommended over 3 weeks with 3 treatments per week. Fat under the chin, upper arms, abdomen, hips or thighs can be broken down and removed. This is a big advantage over diet and exercise alone which can reduce overall body fat but not target individual areas.
i-Lipo is available exclusively at Banker Chiropractic in Elk Grove, CA.